show vpex ports ecp errors

show vpex ports {port_list} ecp errors


Shows bridge port extender (BPE) Edge Control Protocol (ECP) error information.

Syntax Description

vpex Specifies Virtual Port Extender (VPEX).
ports Specifies the cascade ports attached to the BPE.
port_list Specifies the cascade ports attached to the BPE to display.
ecp Specifies Edge Control Protocol.
errors Specifies showing ECP error information.


Information for all cascade ports displays if you do not specify any ports,.


The following example shows ECP errors information for BPEs attached to all cascade ports. In this case, there is only one attached BPE on cascade port 1:47:

# show vpex ports ecp errors 
Port   RxPkt  RxAck  RxReq  RxSeq  TxPkt  TxAck  TxReq  TxSeq  RxErr  TxErr  
1:47      52      0      0    590     52     26     26     26      0      0 
Flags    : (*) Active,
           (!) Administratively disabled,
           (A) Auto-calculated timer value


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 32.7.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching 5420 and 5520 series switches, and Extreme 7520-48Y switches.